Solution of the Inverse Problem of Permanent Magnet Magnetization Estimation Taking Anisotropy Into Account


  • Petr A. Denisov Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова



mathematical modeling, permanent magnet, inverse problem, regularization method, border integral equations method, scalar single-layer potential, scalar double-layer potential


The paper presents the development of the method for identification of the permanent magnet remanence using the measured values of magnetic flux densities. Identification method is based on solving the ill-posed system of equations by using the Tikhonov regularization. The border integral equations method is used with scalar potentials for the constructing the matrix of system of equations. A priori information about the direction of the easy axis is used to reduce the dimension of the system of equations. The software is developed for the verification of the proposed method. The software allows to model measurement of the flux density by solving the magnetic field analysis problem and by making the inaccuracy injection, that is the unavoidable thing in the process of real measurements of flux density. After that the proposed identification method is used.

Author Biography

Petr A. Denisov, Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.


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How to Cite

Denisov, P. A. Solution of the Inverse Problem of Permanent Magnet Magnetization Estimation Taking Anisotropy Into Account. electromeh 2019, 62, 18-23.


