Comparative Evaluation of AC Electric Motors of Asynchronous and Synchronous Types for Use in Rowing Electric Drives High Power Icebreakers


  • Gennadij K. Ptakh ООО «НПП «МИР



comparative evaluation, asynchronous electric motor, permanent magnet synchronous motor, synchronous jet engine, switched reluctance motor, icebreaker, high power


A comparative assessment of an asynchronous motor and synchronous electric motors is given, namely: with excitation from permanent magnets reactive with rotor anisotropy and a gear rotor (with self-excitation, SRM) as applied to a variable-speed electric propulsion of ice-class vessels with electric propulsion. The rating of engines was determined expertly by seventeen technical indicators, ranked by degree of importance in relation to the area under consideration. The first five of them are survivability, simplicity and dynamics of control, weight and size indicators, reliability and energy efficiency. By the totality of all indicators, the first place in the rating is given to the switched reluctance motor. It is noted that at present sufficient experience has been accumulated in the development and operation of medium and high power induction electric drives, the necessary conditions have been formed for organizing their consumer demand and mass production.

Author Biography

Gennadij K. Ptakh, ООО «НПП «МИР

Doctor of Technical Siences, Professor, Chief Designer.


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How to Cite

Ptakh, G. K. Comparative Evaluation of AC Electric Motors of Asynchronous and Synchronous Types for Use in Rowing Electric Drives High Power Icebreakers. electromeh 2019, 62, 24-30.


