Identification of Permanent Magnets in Composition of Electric Machines with Increased Scattering by the Method of Point Magnetic Moments


  • Yuri A. Bakhvalov Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова
  • Alexey Е. Ryabukhin Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова



identification, magnetic field, permanent magnet, vector magnetic moment, point source


The article is devoted to solving the urgent problem of identifying permanent magnets that are part of electric machines with increased scattered and reduced mass. It is proposed to use the moment model of the magnetic field of permanent magnets, which is a collection of point vector magnetic moments. To determine the values of the moments, a system of equations is used based on the boundary conditions: the continuity of the scalar potential and the continuity of the normal component of magnetic induction. The application of the known identification method using the solution of the inverse problem, as well as the proposed method of point magnetic moments is described. The advantage of the latter is the simplicity of the implementation of field calculation methods. Examples are given. The proposed method can be used to solve the problem of identification of permanent magnets in the composition of various types of electrical machines

Author Biographies

Yuri A. Bakhvalov, Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Alexey Е. Ryabukhin, Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова



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How to Cite

Bakhvalov, Y. A.; Ryabukhin A. Е. Identification of Permanent Magnets in Composition of Electric Machines With Increased Scattering by the Method of Point Magnetic Moments. electromeh 2020, 63, 5-8.


