Quasi-Optimal Design of the Switched Reluctance Motor


  • Dmitry V. Olkhovatov Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения




switched reluctance generator, steam microturbine, optimization, random search, loss


The article deals with issues that arise in the process of designing a high-speed switched reluctance motor electric generator for working together with a steam microtubule. A method of two-stage optimization of the geometric relations of the stator and rotor of a switched reluctance motor is described. The first of them is used to search for geometric relationships without taking into account the losses in the magnetic system and the shape of the current pulse in the windings. At the second stage, rational parameters of the voltage pulse applied to the winding are determined for the selected options, losses in the magnetic system and in the windings of the electric machine under consideration are calculated, and one of the options is selected, which is considered quasi-optimal, providing minimum losses at the maximum developed moment.

Author Biography

Dmitry V. Olkhovatov, Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения

Post-graduate student


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How to Cite

Olkhovatov, D. V. Quasi-Optimal Design of the Switched Reluctance Motor. electromeh 2020, 63, 9-16.


