Togque of Electric Spiral with Pseudo-Self-Action


  • Sergey A. Gerasimov Южный федеральный университет



self-force, self-torque, unclosed conductor, electric current, magnetic interaction, Biot-Savart force law


Unclosed part of an electric circuit exerts the so-called self-action a result of which is the action of the unclosed conductor on itself. The same relates to the rotary moment described by the self-torque. The self-force and self-torque are very small for conductors of simple form. For the spiral-shape conductor with large number of wraps and with the increased lead between wraps, the self-torque is found to be extremely large.

Author Biography

Sergey A. Gerasimov, Южный федеральный университет

Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor.


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How to Cite

Gerasimov, S. A. Togque of Electric Spiral With Pseudo-Self-Action. electromeh 2020, 63, 23-26.


