Methods for Evaluating the Influence of Non-Sinusidal Voltage on Capacitor Units in Power Supply Systems


  • Eduard G. Kourennyi Донецкой национальный технический университет
  • Alexander A. Bulgakov Донецкой национальный технический университет
  • Arkady D. Kolomytsev Донецкой национальный технический университет



power supply, capacitor unit, dynamic model, non-sinusoidal voltage, EMC distortion


The problems of evaluating the EMC for capacitor units (CU) in power supply systems are considered. The admissible value of the current non-sinusoidal component for the CU was found, it corresponds to the actual standards. The dynamic model of the «supply line - CU» circuit has been substantiated. An equivalent circuit is given. A non-sinusoidal signal is considered as the sum of a sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal component. As a non-sinusoidal component, a voltage pulse noise model with oppositely polar periodic rectangular pulses and pauses was used. Two approaches to determine the useful signal are considered. A physically substantiated interpretation of the concept of non-sinusoidal voltage is proposed for impulse noise. Expressions are given to determine the current noise of the CU. An example of the practical calculation of voltage and current distortion is given. The graphs of the voltage impulse noise and the resulting current noise are shown. An algorithm has been developed to evaluate the effectiveness of means for reducing impulse noise.

Author Biographies

Eduard G. Kourennyi, Донецкой национальный технический университет

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Alexander A. Bulgakov, Донецкой национальный технический университет

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Arkady D. Kolomytsev, Донецкой национальный технический университет

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.


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How to Cite

Kourennyi, E. G.; Bulgakov, A. A.; Kolomytsev, A. D. Methods for Evaluating the Influence of Non-Sinusidal Voltage on Capacitor Units in Power Supply Systems. electromeh 2021, 64, 86-92.


