Investigation of the Influence of the Magnitude of the Rotor Slip on the Characteristics of an Asynchronous Synchronous Generator


  • V.P. Korshunov Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)
  • V.I. Rozhkov Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)



asynchronous synchronous generator, rotor slip, harmonic composition flow coupling


The article considers the influence of the rotor slip value on the quality of the generated electricity of an asynchronous synchronous generator. Using the FEMME program, computational studies were performed to determine the harmonic composition of the flow coupling of the armature winding. Studies have been carried out for the idle mode and nominal mode at various types of load. The calculations were performed at different rotor speeds. It is noted that with an increase in the rotor slip, the first harmonic of the flow coupling of the armature winding decreases by 1,5 %. The third harmonic of the flow coupling slightly depends on the sliding of the rotor.

Author Biographies

V.P. Korshunov, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Undergraduate student, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

V.I. Rozhkov, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)


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How to Cite

Korshunov, V.; Rozhkov, V. Investigation of the Influence of the Magnitude of the Rotor Slip on the Characteristics of an Asynchronous Synchronous Generator. electromeh 2022, 65, 37-41.


