Inverter current source for mechanized shielding gas welding


  • Peter A. Koshelev St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI)



arc welding, arc stability, optimization


The article proposes a solution to the problem of development, research and mathematical modelling of the current source elements for the mechanized welding in a shielding gas environment. The author proposed, described and presented on a mathematical model a current source that makes it possible to excite and stabilize the arc at any welding currents without an oscillator as an independent or built-in unit. It is shown that a high-voltage pulsed source can be formed in the structure of an inverter power source for the arc welding in a shielding gas environment. The results are confirmed experimentally on prototypes. Research, calculations and modelling were carried out using the Simulink packages of the MATLAB R2021b system and the MAPLE R2021 package.

Author Biography

Peter A. Koshelev, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI)


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How to Cite

Koshelev, P. A. Inverter Current Source for Mechanized Shielding Gas Welding. electromeh 2023, 66, 38-43.


