Estimating the contribution of cross-correlation of individual graphs into the dispersion of the total electrical load graph




electrical load graphs, dispersion of the sum load graph, cross-correlation of load graphs, component model of the load graph, principal component method


The article considers the issues of taking into account the mutual correlation of individual graphs of electrical receivers loads and methods for assessing it when determining the dispersion of the total graph of electrical load by active power using uncorrelated component models. The possibility of taking into account the cross-correlation of individual electrical load graphs using their uncorrelated component models and using them to assess the total contribution to the dispersion of the total electrical load graph was investigated. The mathematical apparatus of orthogonal transformation of the principal component method was used to represent the total load graph through component models of individual graphs. Component models of individual electrical load graphs are proposed for a simplified assessment of the contribution of the cross-correlation of individual graphs to the dispersion of the summary graph. Analytical expressions for component models of individual and total load graphs are obtained, as well as for exact and approximate estimates of the correlation component in the dispersion of the total electrical load graph. The results of modeling individual and total graphs of the electrical load of an apartment building have been shown using the example of experimental daily load graphs of 0,4 kV inputs, obtained from electricity meter readings at half-hour intervals. It is shown that in the course of approximate modeling of the total load graph, the number of component models of individual graphs taken into account is determined by the required calculation accuracy and can be no more than three with a modeling error acceptable for practical calculations. The cross-correlation of individual load graphs of electrical receivers can be taken into account using uncorrelated component models.

Author Biographies

Inna A. Zvoznikova , Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Senior Lecturer, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Ivan I. Nadtoka, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)


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How to Cite

Zvoznikova , I. A.; Nadtoka, I. I. Estimating the Contribution of Cross-Correlation of Individual Graphs into the Dispersion of the Total Electrical Load Graph. electromeh 2023, 66, 136-143.


