On the Issue of Determining the Engine Power of Tensioners When Winding Products Made of «Wet» Composite Material


  • Alexander P. Mikitinskiy Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова




product winding, «wet» composite tape, tensioner drive


Products made by the method of «wet» winding from composite material are widely used in various indus-tries. The quality of future products is largely determined by the tension with which the «wet» tape is placed on the product. Until now, the electric motor of the tensioning device was selected from the condition of providing the specified maximum tension value of the composite tape, without taking into account the specific features of the tensioning device used and the geometry of the wound product. However, when winding a product with a complex geometric shape, dynamic moments occur in the electric drive, which cause additional heating of the engine. The paper analyzes the tensioning devices used for winding. They are grouped into two classes: linear and angular movement of tension rollers. For the considered tensioning devices, analytical expressions are ob-tained that relate the tension during winding with the force that the Executive electric motor must provide in static and dynamic modes. A method for selecting the drive power of tensioning devices is proposed, which takes into account the features of winding composite products made of «wet» composite material. As an exam-ple, the drive of a tensioning device is calculated when winding a pressure cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 m. the Calculations are carried out taking into account the possibility of using a worm self-braking gearbox or a planetary gearbox. Graphs of the dependence of static and dynamic moments on the motor shaft are plotted. It is shown that the use of a worm gearbox requires a more powerful drive, but when using a planetary gearbox, the electric motor must be able to stand under full load. The results obtained in this work can be used in the de-sign of new winding equipment or modernization of existing ones.

Author Biography

Alexander P. Mikitinskiy, Южно-Российский государственный политехнический университет (НПИ) имени М.И. Платова

Candidate of Technical Sciences. Associate Professor.


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How to Cite

Mikitinskiy, A. P. On the Issue of Determining the Engine Power of Tensioners When Winding Products Made of «Wet» Composite Material. electromeh 2020, 63, 21-28.


