Studying the mode of higher harmonics in electrical networks of plywood production




abruptly variable load, electric power quality, higher harmonics, non-sinusoidal waveform, veneer peeling machine


The article analyzes the spectral composition of the currents generated by the main drive of the veneer peeling machine and the mathematical description of the mode parameters of higher harmonics flowing through the electrical networks of plywood production plants has been developed. In order to achieve this goal, experimental studies were performed at the operating plywood plant of Kirov region. It is established that in the spectral composition of the current there are canonical and abnormal harmonics generated by rectifiers working with the main drive motors of veneer peeling machine. The change of the higher harmonics of the current generated by rectifiers has a sharply variable stochastic character. It is established that the process of change of the higher harmonics currents in electric networks of plywood production has a stationary character. Statistical laws of distribution of higher harmonic currents (canonical) on the averaging interval of 200 ms and their numerical characteristics are obtained. The basic characteristics of load diagrams of veneer peeling machine are determined. It is suggested to describe the change of higher harmonics in time by lattice models interpolated by spline functions of the first degree. The results of statistical analysis of the spectral composition of currents and the obtained mathematical model of the parameters of the higher harmonics mode are recommended to be used in solving a number of problems at the stage of designing power supply systems for plywood production and for further development of the methodology of parameter calculations of the higher harmonics mode.

Author Biographies

Anna K. Toropova, Vyatka State University

Postgraduate Student, Senior Lecturer, Vyatka State University

Vyacheslav V. Cherepanov, Vyatka State University

Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor


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How to Cite

Toropova, A. K.; Cherepanov, V. V. Studying the Mode of Higher Harmonics in Electrical Networks of Plywood Production. electromeh 2024, 67, 124-130.


