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The journal “Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Elektromekhanika (Russian Electromechanics)” was established on June 31, 1957 by order of the Ministry for higher and vocational secondary education of the USSR No. 787. It was the publisher of the journal who established Novocherkassk polytechnic university now Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI). Much credit in organization of the journal and its further successful activity should be given to the professor Efim M. Sinelnikov who had been editor-in-chief since its establishment until 1993. Great contribution to the formation of the journal and its research area was made by the corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences G.N. Petrov, the Electrotechnical department of the Science and Engineering Board of the Ministry for higher and vocational secondary education of the USSR headed by professor V.A. Venikov and the rector of NPI professor A.G. Kobilev. Publishing of the journal was an evidence of acknowledgement of the authority of Novocherkassk electrotechnical academic school, appreciation of its contribution to the science and production sectors as well as academic staff training.

The journal is registered as a periodical and circulates by subscription in Russia, CIS countries and abroad.

Periodicity of the journal – 4 issues per year.

The journal publishes articles containing results of theoretical and experimental research in the field of theoretical electrical engineering, electromechanics and power industry engineering, conducted at higher educational institutions and research institutes as well as at the initiative of the authors; review articles (think-pieces) on the most important issues of electrical engineering and electromechanics development; articles considering academic issues and methodological basis of particular subjects; proceedings of scientific symposiums, conferences and meetings; reviews of textbooks, learning aids and monographs; current news.

The journal is meant for higher education teaching personnel, post-graduate, doctoral and undergraduate students, scientific and engineering staff of the research and design and engineering institutes, industrial and power engineering enterprises and organizations.

The journal “Russian Electromechanics” is included on “The list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications which should include publishing of the main scientific results of PhD and doctoral dissertations”.

The journal “Russian Electromechanics” is included in the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) base within the Web of Science platform, the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. All the articles published in the journal have the digital object identifier DOI.